
GAS (Google ActionScript) “This application has not been verified” This application has not been verified by Google. This app has not been confirmed by Google.



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This application has not been verified

This app has not been verified.
This app has not been verified by Google. Please continue only if you are a trusted developer with whom you are familiar.

If you are a developer, please send a confirmation request to prevent this screen from appearing.

This is what to do if you receive a message saying

I got a horrible message that I have never seen before…!

It’s all right. Don’t panic, let’s keep going.

Approval Process

The first time you run Google Apps Script, you have to go through the approval process.

Here, “Select Account” and OK…or so we thought.

This app has not been verified.

This app has not been verified by Google. Please continue only if you know the developer well and trust them. If you are a developer, please submit a confirmation request to prevent this screen from appearing.
→Return to secure page.

The screen is not executable because it enters an infinite loop of “Please send a confirmation request to prevent this screen from being displayed.


When the “This application has not been confirmed” window is displayed, select “Details” in the lower left corner.

Go to XXXXXX[filename](insecure page)

and open this window.

You will then see…

You will see a screen that says, “XXXXXXXXX [filename] is requesting access to your Google Account.

Click “Allow” to execute the request.


If you try to run an application that has not been confirmed by Google, you will get a warning like this!

Perhaps this is due to a security issue, but if you see it, you can execute it using the above method.

There was a hidden command (?) in such a place…! I didn’t know there was a…!

You must know this command to proceed, so please keep it in mind.

Please try it.