「Google とのデータ共有に適用される追加条項について」
Google Measurement Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms
(Google Measurement Controller – コントローラデータ保護ポリシー)
The Measurement Services customer agreeing to these terms (“Customer”) has entered into an agreement with either Google or a third party reseller (as applicable) for the provision of the Measurement Services (as amended from time to time, the “Agreement”) through which services user interface Customer has enabled the Data Sharing Setting.
これらの条件に同意するMeasurement Servicesのお客様(以下「お客様」)は、Googleまたはサードパーティのリセラー(該当する場合)との間でMeasurement Servicesの提供に関する契約を締結しています(適宜改訂された「契約」)。データ共有設定を有効にしたサービスのユーザーインターフェイス。
These Google Measurement Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms (“Controller Terms”) are entered into by Google and Customer. Where the Agreement is between Customer and Google, these Controller Terms supplement the Agreement. Where the Agreement is between Customer and a third party reseller, these Controller Terms form a separate agreement between Google and Customer.
これらのGoogle Measurementコントローラ – コントローラデータ保護規約(「コントローラ規約」)は、Googleとお客様によって締結されます。本契約がお客様とGoogleの間にある場合、これらの管理者規約は本契約を補完するものです。本契約がお客様と第三者の再販業者との間にある場合、これらの管理者規約は、Googleとお客様の間に別の契約を形成します。
For the avoidance of doubt, the provision of the Measurement Services is governed by the Agreement. These Controller Terms set out the data protection provisions relating to the Data Sharing Setting only but do not otherwise apply to the provision of the Measurement Services.
Subject to Section 7.2 (Processor Terms), these Controller Terms will be effective, and replace any previously applicable terms relating to their subject matter, from the Terms Effective Date.
If you are accepting these Controller Terms on behalf of Customer, you warrant that: (a) you have full legal authority to bind Customer to these Controller Terms; (b) you have read and understand these Controller Terms; and (c) you agree, on behalf of Customer, to these Controller Terms. If you do not have the legal authority to bind Customer, please do not accept these Controller Terms.
お客様に代わってこれらの管理者規約を承諾する場合、お客様は以下のことを保証します。(a)お客様にこれらの管理者規約を拘束する完全な法的権限を有する。 (b)あなたはこれらの管理者規約を読んで理解している。 (c)お客様に代わって、お客様が本コントローラー規約に同意するものとします。お客様を拘束する法的権限がない場合は、これらの管理者規約に同意しないでください。
Please do not accept these Controller Terms if you are a reseller. These Controller Terms set out the rights and obligations that apply between users of the Measurement Services and Google.
あなたが再販業者であるならば、これらのController Termsを受け入れないでください。これらの管理者規約は、Measurement ServicesとGoogleのユーザー間に適用される権利と義務を規定します。
1. Introductionはじめに
These Controller Terms reflect the parties’ agreement on the processing of Controller Personal Data pursuant to the Data Sharing Setting.
2. Definitions and Interpretation定義と解釈
In these Controller Terms:
“Affiliate” means an entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, a party.
“Confidential Information” means these Controller Terms.
“Controller Data Subject” means a data subject to whom Controller Personal Data relates.
“Controller Personal Data” means any personal data that is processed by a party pursuant to the Data Sharing Setting.
“Data Protection Legislation” means, as applicable: (a) the GDPR; and/or (b) the Federal Data Protection Act of 19 June 1992 (Switzerland).
“Data Sharing Setting” means the data sharing setting which Customer has enabled via the user interface of the Measurement Services and which enables Google and its Affiliates to use personal data for improving Google’s and its Affiliates’ products and services.
「データ共有設定」とは、お客様がMeasurement Servicesのユーザーインターフェースを介して有効にし、Googleおよびその関連会社がGoogleおよびその関連会社の製品やサービスを改善するために個人データを使用できるようにするデータ共有設定を意味します。
“GDPR” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
「GDPR」とは、個人データの処理およびそのようなデータの自由な移動に関する自然人の保護および指令95の廃止に関する欧州議会および2016年4月27日の理事会の規則(EU)2016/679を意味します/ 46 / EC
“Google” means:
- (a) where a Google Entity is party to the Agreement, that Google Entity.
- (a)Googleエンティティが本契約の当事者である場合、そのGoogleエンティティ。
- (b) where the Agreement is between Customer and a third party reseller and(b)本契約がお客様と第三者の再販業者との間のものであり、かつ:
- (i) the third party reseller is organised in North America or in another region outside Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Oceania, Google LLC (formerly known as Google Inc.);(i)サードパーティの再販業者が北米またはヨーロッパ以外の地域、中東、アフリカ、アジア、オセアニア、Google LLC(旧Google Inc.)に組織されている。
- (ii) the third party reseller is organised in Europe, the Middle East or Africa, Google Ireland Limited; or(ii)第三者再販業者がヨーロッパ、中東またはアフリカ、Google Ireland Limitedで組織されている。または
- (iii) the third party reseller is organised in Asia and Oceania, Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.(iii)第三者再販業者は、アジアおよびオセアニア、Google Asia Pacific Pteに組織されています。株式会社
“Google Entity” means Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited or any other Affiliate of Google LLC.
「Googleエンティティ」とは、Google LLC、Google Ireland Limited、またはその他のGoogle LLCの関連会社を意味します。
“Measurement Services” means Google Analytics, Google Analytics 360, Google Analytics for Firebase, Google Attribution, Google Attribution 360, Google Optimize or Google Optimize 360, as applicable to the Data Sharing Setting for which the parties agreed to these Controller Terms.
「測定サービス」とは、Google Analytics、Google Analytics 360、Firebase用Google Analytics、Google Attribution、Google Attribution 360、Google Optimize、またはGoogle Optimize 360を意味し、これらの規約は、本規約に同意したものとなります。
“Privacy Shield” means the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield legal framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield legal framework.
「プライバシーシールド」とは、EU – 米国を意味します。プライバシーシールドの法的枠組みとスイスの米国プライバシーシールドの法的枠組み。
“Policies” means the Google End User Consent Policy available at https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy.html.
“Processor Terms” means:
- (a) where Google is a party to the Agreement, the processor terms available at https://privacy.google.com/businesses/processorterms/; or(a)グーグルが本契約の当事者である場合、プロセッサー条件はhttps://privacy.google.com/bususiness/processorterms/で入手可能です。または
- (b) where the Agreement is between Customer and a third party reseller, such terms reflecting a controller-processor relationship (if any) as agreed between the Customer and the third party reseller.(b)本契約がお客様と第三者の再販業者との間のものであり、かかる条件には、お客様と第三者の再販業者との間で合意されたコントローラーとプロセッサーの関係がある場合はそれが反映されます。
“Terms Effective Date” means, as applicable:
- (a) 25 May 2018, if Customer clicked to accept or the parties otherwise agreed to these Controller Terms before or on such date; or(a)2018年5月25日、お客様が同意をクリックした場合、または当事者がそうした日付の前またはその日にこれらの管理者規約に同意した場合。または
- (b) the date on which Customer clicked to accept or the parties otherwise agreed to these Controller Terms, if such date is after 25 May 2018.(b)2018年5月25日以降である場合、お客様が同意をクリックした日、または当事者が本規約に同意した日。
The terms “controller”, “data subject”, “personal data”, “processing” and “processor” as used in these Controller Terms have the meanings given in the GDPR.
Any examples in these Controller Terms are illustrative and not the sole examples of a particular concept.
Any reference to a legal framework, statute or other legislative enactment is a reference to it as amended or re-enacted from time to time.
3. Application of these Controller Terms(3.本コントローラー規約の適用)
3.1 Application of Data Protection Legislation3.1データ保護法の適用
These Controller Terms will only apply to the extent that the Data Protection Legislation applies to the processing of Controller Personal Data.
3.2 Application to Data Sharing Settingデータ共有設定への適用
These Controller Terms will only apply to the Data Sharing Setting for which the parties agreed to these Controller Terms (for example, the Data Sharing Setting for which Customer clicked to accept these Controller Terms).
3.3 Duration期間
These Controller Terms will apply from the Terms Effective Date and continue while Google or Customer processes Controller Personal Data, after which these Controller Terms will automatically terminate.
これらの利用規約は、利用規約発効日から適用され、Googleまたはお客様がController Personal Dataを処理している間継続します。その後、これらの利用規約は自動的に終了します。
4. Roles and Restrictions on Processing処理の役割と制限
4.1 Independent Controllers独立したコントローラ
Each party:
- (a) is an independent controller of Controller Personal Data under the Data Protection Legislation;(a)データ保護法に基づく管理者個人データの独立管理者。
- (b) will individually determine the purposes and means of its processing of Controller Personal Data; and(b)管理者個人データの処理の目的と手段を個別に決定する。そして
- (c) will comply with the obligations applicable to it under the Data Protection Legislation with respect to the processing of Controller Personal Data.(c)管理者個人データの処理に関して、データ保護法の下で適用される義務を遵守します。
4.2 Restrictions on Processing処理上の制限
Section 4.1 (Independent Controllers) will not affect any restrictions on either party’s rights to use or otherwise process Controller Personal Data under the Agreement.
4.3 End User Consentエンドユーザーの同意
Customer will comply with the Policies in relation to the Controller Personal Data shared pursuant to the Data Sharing Setting and at all times will bear the burden of proof in establishing such compliance.
5. Data Transfersデータ転送
Either party may transfer Controller Personal Data outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland if it complies with the provisions on the transfer of personal data to third countries in the Data Protection Legislation.
6. Liability責任
If Google is:
- (a) party to the Agreement and the Agreement is governed by the laws of:(a)本契約の当事者および本契約は、以下の法律に準拠します。
- (i) a state of the United States of America, then, notwithstanding anything else in the Agreement, the total liability of either party towards the other party under or in connection with these Controller Terms will be limited to the maximum monetary or payment-based amount at which that party’s liability is capped under the Agreement (for clarity, any exclusion of indemnification claims from the Agreement’s limitation of liability will not apply to indemnification claims under the Agreement relating to the Data Protection Legislation); or(i)アメリカ合衆国の州。その場合、本契約の他の条項にかかわらず、これらの管理者規約に基づくまたは関連するいずれかの当事者の他の当事者に対する総責任は、最大の金銭的または支払ベースに制限されます。その当事者の責任が本契約の下でキャップされている額(明確にするために、本契約の責任の限定からの補償の請求の除外は、データ保護法に関する本契約の下での補償の請求には適用されません)。または
- (ii) a jurisdiction that is not a state of the United States of America, then the liability of the parties under or in connection with these Controller Terms will be subject to the exclusions and limitations of liability in the Agreement; or(ii)アメリカ合衆国の州ではない管轄区域の場合、これらの管理者規約に基づくまたは関連する当事者の責任は、本契約における責任の除外および制限の対象となります。または
- (b) not party to the Agreement, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Google will not be liable for Customer’s lost revenues or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages, even if Google or its Affiliates have been advised of, knew or should have known that such damages do not satisfy a remedy. Google’s (and its Affiliates’) total cumulative liability to Customer or any other party for any loss or damages resulting from claims, damages or actions arising out of or relating to these Controller Terms will not exceed $500 (USD).(b)適用法で許される範囲内で、契約の当事者ではない場合、グーグルまたはその関連会社に通知されたとしても、グーグルは顧客の損失収益または間接的、特別、付随的、結果的、模範的もしくは懲罰的損害に対して責任を負いません。 、そのような損害賠償は救済を満足させないことを知っているか、知っているべきでした。これらの管理者規約に起因する、またはこれらに関連する請求、損害、または行動に起因する損失または損害に対する、お客様またはその他の関係者に対するGoogle(およびその関連会社)の累積総責任は500ドル(USD)を超えることはありません。
7. Priority優先度
7.1 Effect of these Controller Termsこれらのコントローラチームの影響
If Google is party to the Agreement and there is any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of these Controller Terms and the remainder of the Agreement then, subject to Sections 4.2 (Restrictions on Processing) and 8.2 (Processor Terms), the terms of these Controller Terms will govern. Subject to the amendments in these Controller Terms, the Agreement between Google and Customer remains in full force and effect.
7.2 Processor Termsプロセッサ用語
These Controller Terms will not replace or affect any Processor Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, if Customer is party to the Processor Terms in connection with the Measurement Services, the Processor Terms will continue to apply to the Measurement Services notwithstanding that these Controller Terms apply to Controller Personal Data processed pursuant to the Data Sharing Setting.
8. Changes to these Controller Terms本規約の変更
8.1 Changes to Controller Termsコントローラ用語の変更
Google may change these Controller Terms if the change:
- (a) is required to comply with applicable law, applicable regulation, a court order or guidance issued by a governmental regulator or agency; or(a)適用される法律、適用される規則、裁判所の命令、または政府の規制当局または政府機関によって発行された指針を遵守することが要求されている。または
- (b) does not: (i) seek to alter the categorisation of the parties as independent controllers of Controller Personal Data under the Data Protection Legislation; (ii) expand the scope of, or remove any restrictions on, either party’s rights to use or otherwise process Controller Personal Data; or (iii) have a material adverse impact on Customer, as reasonably determined by Google.(b)してはならない。(i)当事者の分類を、データ保護法に基づく管理者個人データの独立管理者として変更しようとすること。 (ii)いずれかの当事者が管理者個人情報を使用またはその他の方法で処理する権利の範囲を拡大するか、または制限を解除すること。 (iii)Googleが合理的に判断したとおり、お客様に重大な悪影響を及ぼすこと。
8.2 Notification of Changes変更通知
If Google intends to change these Controller Terms under Section 8.1(a) and such change will have a material adverse impact on Customer, as reasonably determined by Google, then Google will use commercially reasonable efforts to inform Customer at least 30 days (or such shorter period as may be required to comply with applicable law, applicable regulation, a court order or guidance issued by a governmental regulator or agency) before the change will take effect. If Customer objects to any such change, Customer may switch off the Data Sharing Setting.
9. Additional Provisions追加の規定
This Section 9 (Additional Provisions) will only apply where Google is not party to the Agreement.
Each party will comply with its obligations under these Controller Terms with reasonable skill and care.
Neither party will use or disclose the other party’s Confidential Information without the other’s prior written consent except for the purpose of exercising its rights or performing its obligations under these Controller Terms or if required by law, regulation or court order; in which case, the party being compelled to disclose Confidential Information will give the other party as much notice as is reasonably practicable prior to disclosing the Confidential Information.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, except as expressly provided for in these Controller Terms, Google makes no other warranty of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use and non-infringement.
本コントローラー規約に明示的に規定されている場合を除き、適用法で許容される最大限の範囲で、Googleは、明示、黙示、法定、その他を問わず、商品性、特定用途への適合性およびその他の保証を含みません。 -侵害。
Neither party will be liable for failure or delay in performance to the extent caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
If any term (or part of a term) of these Controller Terms is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of these Controller Terms will remain in effect.
These Controller Terms will be governed by and construed under the laws of the state of California without reference to its conflict of law principles. In the event of any conflicts between foreign law, rules and regulations, and California law, rules and regulations, California law, rules and regulations will prevail and govern. Each party agrees to submit to the exclusive and personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Santa Clara County, California. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act do not apply to these Controller Terms.
All notices of termination or breach must be in English, in writing and addressed to the other party’s Legal Department. The address for notices to Google’s Legal Department is legal-notices@google.com. Notice will be treated as given on receipt, as verified by written or automated receipt or by electronic log (as applicable).
解約または違反の通知はすべて英語で書面で行い、相手方の法務部に送付する必要があります。 Googleの法務部への通知アドレスはlegal-notices@google.comです。通知は、書面または自動領収書、または電子ログ(該当する場合)によって確認された領収書の記載に従って処理されます。
No party will be treated as having waived any rights by not exercising (or delaying the exercise of) any rights under these Controller Terms. No party may assign any part of these Controller Terms without the written consent of the other, except to an Affiliate where: (a) the assignee has agreed in writing to be bound by the terms of these Controller Terms; (b) the assigning party remains liable for obligations under these Controller Terms if the assignee defaults on them; (c) in the case of Customer, the assigning party has transferred its Measurement Services account(s) to the assignee; and (d) the assigning party has notified the other party of the assignment. Any other attempt to assign is void.
これらの管理者規約に基づく権利を行使しない(またはその権利の行使を遅らせる)ことによって権利を放棄したと見なされることはありません。以下の場合を除き、いかなる当事者も、他方の書面による同意なしにこれらの管理規約の一部を譲渡することはできません。(a)譲受人がこれらの管理規約の条件に拘束されることを書面で合意した。 (b)譲受人が債務不履行に陥った場合、譲渡当事者は、この管理者規約に基づく義務について引き続き責任を負う。 (c)顧客の場合、譲渡当事者はその測定サービス口座を譲受人に譲渡している。 (d)割り当て側が割り当てを相手方に通知した。割り当てようとする他の試みは無効です。
The parties are independent contractors. These Controller Terms do not create any agency, partnership, or joint venture between the parties. These Controller Terms do not confer any benefits on any third party unless they expressly state that they do.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, these Controller Terms state all terms agreed between the parties. In entering into these Controller Terms no party has relied on, and no party will have any right or remedy based on, any statement, representation or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently), except those expressly stated in these Controller Terms.
Google Measurement Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms, Version 1.0
Google Measurement Controller – コントローラデータ保護規約、バージョン1.0
May 10, 2018
ずいぶん長文ですが、 お知らせが出てきたら 内容を読んでみて「同意」しておきましょう!
(^ ^)