
【SEO】検索順位でのクリックの確率・割合は?|The most important results

smartphone showing Google site SEO(検索エンジン最適化)


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We’ve analysed over 80 million keywords and billions of search results in order to better understand clickrates in Google Search. We were as surprised as you are going to be in a moment. Throw your outdated knowledge about CTRs away and let’s start from scratch.

Why (almost) everything you knew about Google CTR is no longer valid
  • 1位:28.5%
  • 2位:15.7%
  • 3位:11.0%
  • 4位:8.0%
  • 5位:7.2%
  • 6位:5.1%
  • 7位:4.0%
  • 8位:3.2%
  • 9位:2.8%
  • 10位:2.5%


クリック率はSERP(Search Engine Result Page)レイアウトで決まるそうです。SERPとはGoogleやYahoo!などの検索エンジンで検索した時に、表示された検索結果ページのことを言います。


The most important results summarised

Why (almost) everything you knew about Google CTR is no longer valid - SISTRIX
Data study on CTRs in Google search results for different intents and SERPs formats. Based on over 80 million keywords a...